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Typing Job F.A.Q

01. What is the minimum age and who can join it?  
The minimum age is 18 Years. It is open to all be it a housewife, student employed, unemployed, retired person or anyone who is interested in an additional income opportunity.

02. Why outsourcing of work? 
Presently bulk of the work comes from different library. Quality work & customer satisfaction is of utmost importance. Outsourcing is necessary for the reasons like on – time delivery, quality English, Skilled and cheap man power, time convenience between different nations, No Working Durations, etc.

03. Why there is a need of online data operators? 
Firstly, the amount of work is huge and it’s growing. Secondly, people are more depended on computer and for this simple reasons more data has to be made available on net and to do so online data entry operators are required. As the popularity of computer increases the demand of operators will also increase.

04.  Do I require any specialized skill to work? 
No basic computer skills like typing will do along with basic internet operation of opening and surfing the net is all that one requires. Otherwise it takes a week to learn in any cybercafé. Basic knowledge of opening internet pages is enough to get started. For further details visit or our office Universal Info Service (UIS, India)

05.  What is online data entry work? 
Simple & time saving as one can operate from home any time of the day i.e. 24 hours at your spare / convenience. One has to register with our Company.
06. How do I register?  
Fill up this online form and send payment as instructions provided, or Walk into our office Talk to any of our executives. Complete the formalities and sign the company contract. We will provide you with your username, password, server website & full instruction within 10 days. Next using the same you can start the work at home or any place of your choice.
07.  What will be the exact format of the work? 
It is very simple typing job or technically speaking the format is image in jpeg files to digital online typing in the required or assigned text box. Every month there will be some data entry form allotted to every registered subscriber. The entry form will have to be submitted in different libraries sites.
08.  How to do the work online? 
Once registered with us or any other company one can login using the username & password given by the company. One will come across the instruction page & server button to get connected to the our file server. First one should read the instructions carefully. Clicking the SERVER button one will get connected to the Universal Info Service server within a minute.
09.  How to know that my entry has been accepted or not?  
Clicking the submit button one will come across the following line – “Thanks for submitting the work.  Click here to do next Assignment”. This indicates that one has submitted a valid assignment. Valid doesn’t mean that it is cent per cent accurate rather it indicates that an assignment has been executed. For any error one will get an error note direction to resubmit the work.
10. Is there any limit to assignments, can it be done on daily basis?
No, there is no limit.
11.  What is the time frame for each assignment to complete? 
Yes, there is time limit for complete each assignment within 6 to 8 minutes, if any body unable to complete the each assignment that time then the file will not be counted and server will not accepted.  As we are more concerned regarding the accuracy & quality of the completed work. Within 24 hours a minimum of any number of assignments & maximum one can complete 100 assignments as per package. End of the day assignments completed will be counted and will be sent for departmental checking at our end.
12.  What if the job can be complete less i.e. one or two per day than 100 Assignments Daily?  
No problem even if it is 1 file daily, it will be registered. On the other side for the other side a maximum 100 as a Silver typist & 100 as a Gold typist can be executed. But by the end of the month or 30 days, overall files completed by you should be as follows
Silver typist – There is no minimum or maximum limit
Gold typist – There is minimum or maximum limit.
13. Can I submit the work all at once or in different times in a day?  
One can log in daily and enter the member’s area any number of times. One can complete without being feeling tired and can complete the work in different time and in installment.
14. Is there any problem logging in from home and from office?  
No, it is not a problem. One can submit the work from any place of one’s choice. Our company at the most considers any IP address for home and office but to maintain a standard and privacy of the system. Any problem with IP address please let us knows through mail and we will help you with further information or status of work by email.
16.  After the execution of work what will be the role of your company? 
As soon as one submits the assignment company will send the receipt and copy of the submitted work to your desired you Member area (My Job Done) section. So that one can cross check any mistake if present.
 17. What will be the working hours?  
There are no such working hours. One can log in any time of the day and start completing the assignment. Daily working hours is 24 hours starting from 12 mid night. One should consider timing as per the country of residence. Working days are from Monday to Sunday.
18.  How the accuracy is calculated? 
There company not calculate accuracy, only company pay on 100% current file. Company not deducted any penny amount on correct file.
19. What type of mistakes / errors will be counted?  
Normally spelling mistakes, commas (,), full stops (.) will be counted as errors. An assignment will also be rejected if you write wrong IDEO Id no., wrong file no. and wrong email address.
20. What should we do when we find some symbols, degree and special characters which are not possible to type? 
It will be explained to all when registering. In such cases one has to leave a blank space instead of that symbol, degree or special character. These things will not be counted as a mistake.
21. If I submit and feel that I made some mistakes can I resubmit the same? 
This is not possible. Hence it will be informed prior the job starts. Once submitted the work it’s very difficult to re launch the same. The file will be blocked from reviewing.
22.  What is the mode of payment after completion of the given work? 
Our system of payments is simple. They are made every month between the 7th and the 15th day.  In case of non receipt of payment, it is made on 15th of every month.
23.  If I worked for the first month & like to take leave for few days, will this be possible?  
Yes it is possible, but to take leave in between work at least 7 days intimation through is preferable vide, mail, phone or chat. For example, you started the work on 7th of June and did work till 15th of June, and for some reason, you want to continue rest of the job from 1st July, in such cases, you have to intimate us before 20th, means you have to send mail or chat, you should intimate our executive.
24. For every valid assignment what is the volume of amount? 
Payment totally depends upon what accuracy one submits. As discussed earlier 90% accuracy is subjected to full payment of every approve file or you will get 50% payment if your accuracy level 75% to 89% For every such submission or successful approve assignment Rs.2.00 will be paid to Trial Subscriber, Rs. 2.50 to Silver member & Rs. 3.00 will be paid to Gold Member and work will be done as per demo as per is given in typing job page section.
25.  Do I have to pay any tax for my income or your company going to deduct any tax from income? 
No absolutely not. We deduct taxes at source @ 5.1% TDS from your total monthly income.
26.  Will I get the chance to see my checking report to know where I made mistakes & why assignment is disqualified?
To go through the checking report one has to wait for 15 days after the months work. The list of files and mistakes will be made for one to cross check. Detailed checking report will be available on your Member’s area (My work reject/approve)section . By post you will get a one page report of overall month performance, along with the payment if any. Assignment normally gets disqualified either when it is incomplete or if there be more than 1 mistakes.
27.  What will be the contract period of work? 
 It’s a 6 month contract with the companies; just you have to be consistent with your accuracy.
28. Do I get work continuously every month?  
Bulk of the work originates from different library. As mentioned and discussed earlier these companies are more concerned with the quality, accuracy & punctuality of the delivery. Universal Info Service procures this assignment with specific responsibility and within specific time frame. We also in due course set a specific time frame with our members to execute the job and see that the job is  completed in a specified month well in advance to check and cross check it before completion. These conditions are to maintain our professional attitude and prompt services, which in return brings us more jobs / assignment. Our reputation is fairly high among the various vendors and library from where we pick up jobs. If we are not satisfying there requirements we will fall back in this fast moving world and new company will take over. Hence we try to maintain our reputation and are always in look out for sincere and hard working people who are eager to grow fast with us.
This concept to have a regular supply of work and to keep a good reputation in the circuit of data entry jobs we are serious about the recruit.  During registration, we try to influence the same company’s concept. We do try to develop leaders and counseling is done. Among our registered participants we do have candidates who give us better output. We always stress accuracy with more submission of assignments that too in time and in phased manner. We do maintain a huge workforce to keep up with the pace of the job.
29. What are the rules for terminations of contract?  
If any operator is submitting less than the specified correct assignments in first 15 days, account will be terminated or warned as the case may be. The submission is of prime importance to us and this is made known to all registered personal.
If any operator is submitting less than the specified correct assignments in 30 days from the activation date, account will be terminated. The submission is of prime importance to us and this is made known to all registered personal.
If any of our registered data entry operator violates any of the terms & conditions of Universal Info service (UIS, India) than the account will be terminated. We will help you grow with us.
If operator is outsourcing or re distributing work to other people the account will be terminated. This has been discussed in detail in FAQ number 30.
30.  Can I outsource the work taken from your company? 
No this is strictly prohibited. Outsourcing refers to getting things done from out house instead of getting them done in house. As the person attending or getting info from our company by registration will be issued username and password by our company. Moreover a person who is registering with us is also signing a contract papers. Redistribution of work leads to distribution of issued username and password. This may ultimately create a chaos. Again outsourcing or redistribution can lead to further change in rate contract etcetera misleading people. Ultimately this process spins out of the system tarnishing our company’s image. To stop such redistribution we have system to detect that more than one person using the same account to get into the unique account. We will easily detect if the work is submitted by more than 1 person and terminate the contract.
31.  How many accounts can I open?  
We will advice you to start slow and once one pick up the system. You can open 1 number of account in your name. Once you develop the required efficiency one can contact us for more than 6 accounts or for various other assignments.
32.  For problem whom to contact or consult?  
One can directly mail us in the following address-
E mail ID Corporate                 : [email protected]
E mail ID Customer Care       : [email protected]  You can contact directly to given below Phone no-
           Cell-           +91-943401900, +91-9474425752
One can also walk into our office and talk to any of our executive. Our customer care executives will solve all your problems.
33.  From where these data entry work comes and who exactly do the checking of our files? 
Universal Info Service receives all the related jobs from various Libraries. We have our Data Entry Office in various places all over the globe. The work files are loaded on the server from there only. Checking of the completed work is done from Universal Info Services Office only.
34. Why Universal Info Service are charging registration fees? 
Universal Info Services administrative charges are based on our infrastructure which helps in starting the project within 24 hours. Companies who offer data entry jobs never publish the details over internet. We also have a networking system for marketing department, as well as human resources. The website, office, manpower involves cost hence to start with we charge a minor amount in the form of registration fees.
35. After registration how long I have to wait to start working? 
Registration might take a day depending upon the mode of payment, yet we try to complete it within a day. Other formalities ranging from 24 hours to a maximum of 72 hours, which is rare but will be completed won’t delay the work to start. On receipt of the payment Universal Info Service (UIS, India) will get the server details where one have to work along with the username and password. One can taste our professionalism and our prompt services.
36. How can I trust your company?  
Universal Info Service is more than 14  years old, ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company and already created a nice for ourselves in the net. With six years of operation, over thousand online advertising and corporate office at Siliguri, West Bengal India. We have a registered Office at the following address complete from all aspect to check our authenticity and existence. Contact person is Sawmitra Sarkar, the director of the unit


Conditions Apply as per Package